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Who we Are

We are a small group of local food security enthusiasts working hard to make the local bounty

visible and accessible. Moved by our shared vision of a secure local food landscape,

we came together to act in March 2021.



“Growing the change we want to see in the world.”



“We are working collaboratively with all aspects of the regional food system to grow a regenerative food system for North Central BC by building community capacity around food through programs, policy, and partnerships.”


EAT is an independent Collective. We partner and support multiple entities in the region, but we are not under the umbrella of any other organization. EAT organized in the shape of rippling circles.

We have a working table, an advisory table and a project  table. 


EAT is engaged in researching and communicating existing food system activity in North Central BC and are creating a strong viable network of partners in the process.

We are committed to grounding our actions in the voices of our communities through research. 


EAT actively supports the building momentum to create a food policy council currently emerging from both grassroots organizations and local and regional governance. Our actions and this website are meant to inform and nourish this momentum. 



Developing a community driven vision into a community operation, where we have a range of options and actions, will need all of the talents and skills we can muster to be successful.


We know we are not alone,

that many in our community are dedicated to a local food system.  

We see you at Farmers’ Markets. 

You sign up for food boxes and CSAs.

You look where it was grown before buying it at the store.

You are local food producers growing fields of carrots, greenhouses of tomatoes,

raising cattle and poultry. 

You have grown food in your backyard for years or are turning your lawn into a garden or joining a community garden. 


We want you all at the table with us to illuminate the strengths of our existing food systems and the places and ways in which they need strengthening. We built this space to allow us all to connect with each other to make our local/regional food systems visible. By connecting we can show each other what we are not aware of, celebrate what we have, notice what we are missing, and support each other to improve our local food system.

sustainable local food system model

Sustainable Local Food System


Community resilience


Social Justice


Economic Success


All areas of our food systems from production to consumption to waste reduction & management can collectively contribute to healthy, sustainable and, socially just food systems. 


Where in your food community do you see these areas succeeding?

have gaps? 

have room for improvement?


What do you think can be done to strengthen or advance these areas in your community? 


What do you know is already being done in your community that could be better supported? 


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Local Food Prince George Society


We wish to acknowledge the 9000+ years of the Lheidli T'enneh Nation's stewardship. The Lheidli T'enneh’ ancestors have cared for this beautiful land that feeds us all, and we will continue to welcome their teachings and ancestral knowledge

as we work towards food security for all people.




Design by: @the_witty_case

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