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pg Urban Farmscape Society

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August 19, 2024 at 6:00 p.m.

Council Chambers of City Hall

1100 Patricia Boulevard, Prince George, BC

When we collectively as a united community want something,  we have to make that visible to our City Council. So, if like us, you believe an Urban Farm close to downtown to grow and teach how to grow would significantly improve our local food security and food sovereignty, please, join us on Monday at City Hall or write your council.

Come show your support
at City Hall

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Hands On 

Family Friendly

Urban Bounty

A place for all ages to encounter animals, food, nature &nutrition ... from seedling to table. 

Urban families can grow their own food, participate in community growing and learn together.

Share in the harvest of growing, learning & eating local. A PG Urban Farm increases urban food sovereignty. 


Homestead to
Community Farm

A gathering of passionate partners have rallied together to transform 5 acres of a local historical urban farm into a community farmscape.  Recognizing the unique opportunity to establish a long-needed Regional Food Hub in the very near future, these partners are working with the City of Prince George to create.  a lush food garden surrounding a commercial kitchen and teaching space, complete with areas for community to grow, develop and encounter nature in the heart of Downtown.

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1099 Porter avenue

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Become a Member

Your support brings us closer to achieving our goals. We invite you to join PG Urban FarmScape as a member to strengthen our initiative. Every contribution, no matter the size, plays a vital role in creating a lasting impact. Together, let's make a difference. 

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Urban Farmscape Overview


Upcoming Events


We wish to acknowledge the 9000+ years of the Lheidli T'enneh Nation's stewardship. The Lheidli T'enneh’ ancestors have cared for this beautiful land that feeds us all, and we will continue to welcome their teachings and ancestral knowledge

as we work towards food security for all people.

Design by: @the_witty_case

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