The Food Systems North PG Project
With Us.
Welcome to our Food Systems North Project PG Page!
The Food Systems North PG Project is engaging in the development of a Prince George (PG) Food Charter and PG (and region) Food Policy Council (FPC).
The project team is actively connecting with the PG community and food system actors to help inform what a PG Food Charter and FPC could be and how it can be established.
If you are interested in meeting with the team to learn more or provide input and ideas, please reach out to foodsystemsnorth@gmail.com
What is a Food Charter? Learn more here
What is a Food System Network / Food Policy Council? Learn more here
More details on both are below in our upcoming events description
Join our
The project will be hosting three community engagement and public consultation workshops including:
1. PG Food Charter
2. PG Food Policy Council
Past Workshops
Food System (JEDI) Justice, Equity, Decolonization and Inclusivity education and skill building workshop
(find recording and content from session here)
These sessions are free to attend, and an open invitation to all interested community members.

(JEDI) Workshop
Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
PG Food Charter Community Input Workshop
(JEDI) Workshop
Food Charter
(FPC) workshop
PG Food Policy Council Community Input Workshop
Workshop took place Monday, February, 24th
​You can access the workshop recordings and resources by clicking below:
​​Workshop Facilitator: Colin Dring: Royal Roads University: Dring's current research explores the necessary conditions for food actors/stakeholders to integrate social justice and decolonial practices into sustainable food system planning.
What is JEDI/JEDDI: (JEDI) justice, equity, decolonization, and inclusion or (JEDDI) justice, equity, decolonization, diversity, and inclusion is a movement that strives to integrate the principles listed above within existing food systems and food system advancements and programming. This workshop will introduce and provide tools for those investing in food systems work within and around Prince George to integrate JEDI principles in their work.
Core Values of JEDI in food systems focus on:
- Empowering participatory approaches that build the capacity of participants.
- Centering lived and living experiences.
- Embracing ‘othered’ ways of knowledge.
- Using multi-method and mixed methods research.
- Embedding respect for self-determination.
Email foodsystemsnorth@gmail.com if you have any questions.
Monday, April 14th \ 5:30-7:30pm
Location: Aboriginal Housing Society PG \ 1919 17th Ave, Prince George
Join us for an in-person event on April 14th to provide input on the development of a food charter for the city of Prince George and surrounding area.
For details on what a food charter is and why it is important please read below.
If you are unable to attend, or have questions or input you would like to provide to our project team please contact us at foodsystemsnorth@gmail.com
Food Charter: Details:
Food Charters can play an important role in guiding what action and investments are made for and by a community.
A food charter is a resource that is created with the community to outline a shared vision for the local food system. The goal of a Food Charter is to guide action and investments that contribute to the needs and wants of the community in both the short-term and food future contexts.
Ways that a Food Charter can invest in a community can be:
- Food Systems Planning, such as food policies, initiatives, programs or economic developments
- Food Systems Advocacy, such as advocating for food access, sustainable food production, urban and rural food lands, and agricultural education/support
- Food System Education, such as making food knowledge accessible to the community or supporting school food literacy programs
- Community Engagement, such as creating opportunities for community participation and collaboration
- Food Celebration, such as social food gatherings, story telling, and cultural food programs
To see examples of food charters in BC please follow the links below:
Food Charter: A Project by Vancouver Island Food Hubs: https://www.islandfoodhubs.ca/.../Island%20Food...
Burnaby Community Food Charter: https://burnabynh.ca/bcfc/
Sunshine Coast Food Charter: https://onestraw.ca/.../full-sunshine-coast-food-charter...
Vancouver Food Charter: https://vancouver.ca/files/cov/van_food_charter.pdf
Monday, May 12th \ 5:30 - 7:30pm
Location: The Prince George Native Friendship Centre \ 1600 3rd Ave, Prince George
Join us for an in-person event to provide your input on the development of a Prince George Food Policy Council. Everyone Is Welcome!
​For details on what a Food Policy Council is and why it is important please read below.
If you are unable to attend, or have questions or input you would like to provide to our project team please contact us at foodsystemsnorth@gmail.com
Food Policy Council Details:
Food Policy Councils (FPC) can be in many forms, such as a community-led group or as part of the municipal government, but are all groups of people working together to invest in the local food system.
FPC’s bring together a wide range of food actors and food interests across sectors and from all touch points of the food system, from producers to eaters, to food distributors and food recovery programs. FPC’s connect the diverse perspectives, needs, and realities of the community, and across the food system, around greater objectives to invest in the needs and the shared vision of community members - for food systems that benefit the entire community.
In general FPC’s can contribute to community food systems in ways such as, enabling communities to influence food policy, advocating for community food needs, or supporting the development of food programming or food infrastructure. FPC’s often share similar objectives of supporting and evolving local food systems such as food system sustainability, food security, and food sovereignty.
Examples of how FPC’s can support a communities food system can include:
- Advocating for food policy, food work equity, or municipal support of local food
- Liaising and delegating to different levels of government or public service organizations, such as Regional Districts
- Supporting farmers and new-farmer programs and education
- Support Indigenous Food Sovereignty and food system governance
- Amplify youth voices and providing opportunities for youth involvement
- Conduct research and evaluate ideas/programs
- Create public campaigns for food systems change
- Creating public education opportunities and support school food literacy programs
- Improve food management / food waste management
To explore examples of FPC’s please copy the list below:
The Kamloops Food Policy Council: https://kamloopsfoodpolicycouncil.com/
Vancouver Food Policy Council: https://vancouver.ca/.../vancouver-food-policy-council.aspx
Squamish Food Policy Council: http://www.squamishfoodpolicycouncil.com/
Comox Valley Food Policy Council: https://lushvalley.org/cvfpc/
Central Okanagan Food Policy Council: https://www.okanaganfood.com/
Central Kootenay Food Policy Council: https://ckfoodpolicy.ca/