PG community

Community gardens
Growing Community Gardens (Christian Reform Church of PG)
20th & Willow
Elmarie Marais
Our Saviours lutheran church's eco community collective​​​
3590 Dufferin Ave.​
Sequoia Oak
Church office: (250) 564-4336
Three Sisters Lane Garden
behind the Carrier Sekani office at 835 3rd Ave.
Carrier Sekani Family Services (CSFS)
Le Cercle des Canadiens Français
1752, Fir St, Prince George, C.-B. V2L 1E7

Edgewood Elementary
Sacred Heart
Westwood Elementary
Quinson Elementary
Exploration Place
(daycare kids)
Vanway Elementary
Immaculate Conception
Van Bien Elementary
Pinewood Elementary
Watch this space grow as we cultivate new resources! Below, you'll find a blossoming list of community gardens and schools, connecting you to local green spaces.